Friday 18 October 2013


Get creative and up the intensity to
build bigger delts
Bringing out the shape and striations
of the shoulder muscles is a big part
of upper-body training, but first you
need to make sure you have
sufficient delt muscle mass. Here
are three tips for adding massive
size to the shoulders
Go Heavy
Working in the 8-12-rep range is
generally the best way to add
muscle mass to most bodyparts (the
one exception being legs, which
respond better to slightly higher
reps). But I firmly believe that
muscles, especially the deltoids,
also need to be subjected to very
heavy weight to grow to their
potential - a weight at which you can
do only 5-6 reps. Go ahead and do
lateral raises in the 8-12 range
(even 15-20), but I suggest doing
overhead presses in the 5-6-rep
range at least every other workout.
It's not that every set of presses has
to be heavy; if you're doing, say, 4-5
sets of seated barbell presses, you
can do your first set or two for eight
reps, but then make your last 2-3
sets heavier
Get Creative With Your Presses
Most people vary their shoulder
training only when it comes to
lateral raises - they'll do front-,
middle- and rear-delt raises with
dumbbells and cables, from different
angles - but when it comes to
presses, they mainly stick to
barbells and dumbbells. There are
many other versions of overhead
presses that you should work into
your delt routine, such as the Smith
machine overhead press, Arnold
press, both in-front-of-the-head and
behind-the-neck overhead presses
(using a barbell or a Smith machine)
and standing overhead barbell or
dumbbell presses (military press
Utilize Rest-Pauses on Presses
As intensity techniques go, I think
drop sets and supersets are great
when doing front-, middle- and rear-
delt raises. On overhead presses,
however, my favorite technique is
the rest-pause. The reason behind
this is with rest-pauses, you never
have to lighten the load - you start
with a heavy weight and stick with it
for the whole set. To refresh, here's
how to perform rest-pauses: Pick a
weight for a Smith machine
overhead press with which you can
do about six reps. Do a set of 4-5
reps, rest 15-20 seconds, and then
do 2-3 more reps with that same
weight. Rest another 15-20 seconds,
then do another 2-3 reps. At that
point, you'll have done 8-11 reps
with a weight with which you could
normally do only six. These tips will
help spark growth in your shoulders,
so give them a try next time delt day
rolls around. Follow your pressing
moves with high-intensity laterals
and you'll have the best of both
worlds: size and definition
Shoulder Workout Routine
This workout emphasizes going
heavy on your first two exercises,
and it's ideal for building massive
Machine Overhead Press
Arnold Press
ll Upright Row
ll Lateral Raise
- perset with
Bent-Over Lateral Raise
On your last two sets, perform 2-3

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