Friday 8 November 2013

Eat Big to Get Big:

In ordr to get big you need to eat big and lift big. Eat at least 25 calories and one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. For protein eat foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, protein shakes, etc. You should also eat a moderate amount of fats from foods such as peanut butter, cheese, regular milk, butter, salad dressings etc. You also need to consume 3-4 grams of carbs (bread, rice, cereals, potatoes, pasta, fruit, vegetables, etc.) for every pound of bodyweight and drink at least a gallon of water per day. In addition to eating, if you want to add mass quickly, you need to train at least three times a week.

Protein is the single most important nutrient to a bodybuilder. It is extremely important that you take in some complete protein every time you have a meal. You will need to be on a high protein; reasonably high calorie diet and using a combined high quality protein supplement in order to gain muscle mass. Here is an example of a meal high in milk and egg content, and moderately high in complex carbohydrates:
• Egg omelets with cheese, whole grain toast, 1-2 glasses of milk.

Carbs do the actual building while fats make the hormones. Protein has been revealed to have more results when united with carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide work energy, but depending on your sensitivity to them, too many carbs can lead to fat accumulation. Adjust your carbohydrates for steady gains with acceptable increases in body fat.

Making the most of the muscle gain to fat gain ratio is one of the objectives of eating to get big. Essentially you want to pack on the as much muscle as possible with the least amount of fat gain. Many people who attempt this end up having high blood levels of carbs, fat, and insulin simultaneously. This is a nasty situation since chronic elevation of insulin can amplify the rate of transfer of fats and carbs into fat cells.

Your diet is the one thing that will decide how big you'll get. Odds are you haven't been eating adequately if you haven't been gaining. Consumption of as many quality calories as possible is the goal. Stretch all these calories out over 5-6 meals per day, 3 hours apart. The key here is food, not supplements. Keep in mind that to build muscle you want to take in more calories than you burn off. You have to do this EVERY DAY, because growth processes demand a lot of calories.

Should you leave home without breakfast? The answer is an emphatic no. While you're asleep your metabolism becomes sluggish. Glycogen is the energy you use for your daily tasks and when you exercise, and it's stored in your liver and muscles. Your body feeds on liver glycogen when you're asleep, and by morning your stores are maxed out and your body is in a catabolic state (eating muscle). Breakfast reverses this deficit.

Supplements can give you superb gains, but in most cases they won't. Your normal multi-vitamin/mineral tablets, your average whey protein, creatine and prohormones are sufficient. Take some time before you supplement, sit down and draft a diet plan. If your folks eat three times a day, eat with them, and then try to get in 2-4 more meals on your own. Set timetables for eating cause less omitted meals. If the cost of eating more is an issue, consider being a vegetarian for a while – it's more economical.

Eating with your folks will slow you down and lead to better, well-rounded meals. And talking shop or just about the day's proceedings while sitting at the dinner table gives your body time to kick in the "duodenal reflex" so you know when you're full. In spite of greatly diverse ways of life, objectives and agendas, modern bodybuilders could certainly profit from something this basic.

Don't be strict when deciding on foods. Don't give up on the large pizza or the triple bacon cheeseburger, but save them for after your workout. If you eat them before you'll be tired from consuming such a large meal, and you'll also feel bloated. The extra calories won't hurt.

Never lose sight of your ambition to grow. Your cuts and striations will be deeper as you add more muscle. The single method to guarantee this is to keep protein and calorie consumption high. The only way to grow muscle is with a protein surplus, and an ample calorie supply is necessary for preserving adequate training strength and energy to lift the heavy weights that build muscle. Feed your body muscle-building nutrients constantly.

Besides eating big, you need to lift big in order to get big. The key to heavy lifting is not throwing around heavy weights. It's low reps and intensity. Remember intensity is a mixture of unmatched willpower and proper form. The idea of heavy lifting is to go to absolute failure, until you are physically unable to do any more reps. And, if you keep your form perfect on every rep, even the last one, you'll see much faster results.

You should train three days a week, and give your body plenty of rest time to grow new muscle tissue. Muscles grow while you are resting, not while you are working out. The muscles are stressed and slightly damaged when you work out, and your body reacts by building up the muscles in order to handle the extra work and stress.

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